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Text File | 1995-04-19 | 27.0 KB | 645 lines | [TEXT/R*ch] |
- Mac*Chat#71/17-Apr-95
- ---------------------
- Welcome to Mac*Chat, the free, weekly electronic newsletter biased
- toward Mac users who are production-oriented professionals. Other
- Mac users may find many, many items of interest as well. I'd enjoy
- hearing your feedback and suggestions. Unfortunately, due to the
- massive numbers of messages I get every day, I can't guarantee
- a personal reply.
- Tony Lindsey, <xxltony@cts.com>.
- http://www.cts.com/~xxltony
- Copyright 1989-1995 Tony Lindsey. Nonprofit groups (such as Mac
- User Groups) or other non-commercial publications) are welcome
- to use any part of the Mac*Chat newsletters if full credit is
- given. All others will need to contact me.
- This newsletter is intended purely as entertainment and free
- information. No profit has been made from any of these
- opinions. Time passes, so accuracy may diminish.
- Publication, product, and company names may be registered
- trademarks of their companies.
- This file is formatted as setext, which can be read on any text reader.
- Tips from readers are gratefully accepted. Please write them in a
- user-friendly way, and if you are mentioning an Internet site,
- please include a paragraph explaining why others should visit it.
- Any [comments in brackets] are by Tony Lindsey.
- Topics:
- Highlights Of This Issue
- How I Created My Web Pages, Part Three
- HTML Tips
- HTML Editors Compared
- Netscape Tips
- Fetch Vs. Anarchie, Continued
- Free Subscriptions To This Newsletter
- Highlights Of This Issue
- ------------------------
- In this issue, I go completely to the opposite end of the scale
- from the previous Mac*Chat. This issue is meant to appeal to all
- of those folks out there who want to create World Wide Web pages
- NOW, and can keep up with the discussion. I continue my series
- of articles on creating a Web page, and many folks chime in with
- their favorite HTML tips and editors. We also continue comparing
- Fetch and Anarchie.
- How I Created My Web Pages, Part Three
- --------------------------------------
- By Tony Lindsey <xxltony@cts.com>
- If you've been following along with this series, you have
- Netscape and HTML Editor 1.0 (which I'll refer to HE for
- brevity's sake) loaded onto your computer and set up so that they
- refer back-and-forth to each other. You've also used Netscape to
- open the following Location, and View its Source (HTML) codes:
- http://www.cts.com/~xxltony/artist-sites.html
- I've made some changes to it lately, so you MAY want to go get it
- one more time.
- After doing that, you should probably save a copy of the file on
- your hard disk, using HTML Editor's Save As command.
- In this installment, I'm going to walk you through what _I_ do
- whenever I want to create a new page. It's not hard at all, I
- promise. This is the same tour I've given to dozens of folks so
- far, and they all got it immediately.
- Now that you've made your preparations, create a New Document
- using HE. Copy the top nine lines of artist-sites.html (up to
- and including the "<hr> line) and paste them into your new
- document. Save the new document as "my-first-web-page.html"
- (without the quotes). Those first nine lines are just my normal
- way of beginning a standard, highly-compatible Web page.
- *Previewing*
- At the top right side of the page in HE, you'll see an icon that
- looks like a tiny planet with two arrows coming out of it. Click
- on it. That should cause Netscape to preview what your new page
- looks like. You'll see that the graphic image called
- "artist-site-header.gif" shows up as a generic icon, but that's
- okay and normal - We'll talk about it later.
- *The Header*
- Use your mouse to go back to HE's window and change the two lines
- referring to "artist sites" any way you'd like, and watch the
- result in Netscape by previewing it over and over. The <TITLE>
- line names the web site at the top of the window when viewed by
- Netscape, and the <H1> line doesn't do anything but style the
- text to look big and bold.
- *Divider Lines*
- The "<hr>" command means a divider line should be drawn. The
- rest of the codes are just there to make sure the file is
- compatible with ANY web browser, not just Netscape on a Mac.
- *Menus of Choices*
- In your new "my-first-web-page.html" HE document, type a short
- list at the bottom:
- Cats
- Rats
- Baseball Bats
- Mac*Chat Home Page
- Highlight those lines with your mouse, and then notice the "List"
- pulldown at the upper left of your window. Pull it down and
- choose "Menu." This automatically creates the codes that make
- the list look nice, so preview it.
- *Paragraphs*
- Down below that, type a few lines of text (I'll call this
- paragraph 1), hit return, then type some more text. Preview it,
- and you'll see that the two lines are all smooshed together. Go
- back to HE and click the mouse at the end of paragraph 1. At the
- top of the window, you'll see a button that looks like a
- backwards capital "P." Click it, and that causes HE to insert
- the code for a paragraph marking. This looks like "<p>."
- Preview it.
- *Constructing a link*
- Let's go back up to the list in HE, and highlight the words
- "Mac*Chat Home Page." At the top of the window, you'll see a
- tiny icon of an anchor. Click on it, then choose "Link to
- another file" and then "Construct." Type in
- "http:/www.cts.com/~xxltony/" without the quotes. (By the way -
- that's a tilde character in front of the "xxltony"). Click "OK"
- twice, and you'll see some codes inserted before and after the
- text you had highlighted. Preview it, and you will see that the
- fourth menu item is now highlighted differently than the others.
- If you click on it, you'll be immediately brought to Mac*Chat's
- Home Page.
- *Formatting Your Text*
- Highlight one word in paragraph 1, and click on the "B" icon at
- the top of the window. That inserts the codes to make it bold.
- Keep doing this with various words, clicking on the "I" button
- for italics, etc. Turn on Balloon Help to find out more about
- your buttons.
- Now, let's get fancy. On the upper left, you'll see a pull-down
- called "Style." After highlighting a word, choose one of the
- styles such as "Emphasis." Keep playing with the different
- styles.
- Please be aware that each style is probably going to look
- different on different computers and web browsers, so don't
- expect your efforts at expert-level typography to transfer well.
- ---------
- I've now shown you 90% of what I _ever_ use HTML Editor for. In
- my next installment, I'll talk about graphics and uploading your
- work. Creating HTML documents can be horridly complicated, but I
- can't see any reason for it. My simple documents seem to work
- fine, and nobody has sent me hate mail for being too basic in my
- design. As I've been told by others, Keep It Simple.
- HTML Tips
- ---------
- From: werbach@access.digex.net (Kevin Werbach)
- You may be interested in checking out my Bare Bones Guide to
- HTML, a comprehensive 'cheat sheet' for Web page authors. The
- document lists virtually every HTML tag -- including the popualar
- Netscape extensions -- in a concise format grouped by type of
- tag. Unlike other, more detailed HTML guides, the Bare Bones
- Guide does not take you step-by-step through the process of
- writing a Web page; it is designed to provide those familiar with
- the basics with quick access to information on the proper
- formatting of each tag.
- http://www.access.digex.net/~werbach/barebone.txt (text
- version)
- http://www.access.digex.net/~werbach/barebone.html (HTML
- version)
- There is also a link to the guide from my Home Page
- http://www.access.digex.net/~werbach/home.html
- ----------
- From: Bob Katz <bobkatz@panix.com>
- You haven't mentioned several of the tools I am using, so here is
- a short essay from me on the tools I've picked up for developing
- html documents:
- http://www.cts.com/~xxltony/html-tips.html
- Here's a couple of important tips:
- For Netscape. Get rid of every "/" symbol in every filename,
- folder, and volume on your Mac. It'll get you into trouble,
- because it's a known bug in Netscape (wish they had posted it
- high up in the documentation, it's there, however, if you choose
- the "bugs" link in the online manual...that's where I searched
- after I nearly went crazy). If a disk volume or folder has a /
- character in it, then you will not be able to save, import, or
- export Bookmarks. But it gets worse.... Netscape simply gets
- confused because / is the reserved Unix character for pathnames.
- For local html development with Netscape:
- Put an alias of any folder that has graphics you are trying to
- access in the Netscape folder.
- Open the file you are developing directly from within Netscape,
- and use Netscape's reload button to review changes you make in
- your Web pages. Do this instead of pushing the "Preview" button
- from your HTML editor. (The "Preview" button makes an
- apple-event call to Netscape, but graphics will not be displayed
- properly (you'll get a ? instead). The HTML editor, or Netscape,
- when it is called, uses some kind of a temporary file rather than
- the real file and thus doesn't know where the graphics are.
- HTML Editors Compared
- ---------------------
- From: kwfansle@rs6000.cmp.ilstu.edu (Ken Fansler)
- I noticed in your HTML "lecture series" that you are using HTML
- Editor as your authoring tool. Have you tried WebWeaver?
- You can download it from our server using the following web
- address:
- <gopher://orathost.cfa.ilstu.edu:70/11ftp%3apublic%3aoratRes%3ainternetClien
- ts%3ahtmlHelpers%3a>
- It's got excellent balloon help, and a very logical user
- interface. As the WebMaster here at Illinois State's College of
- Fine Arts, I endorse it 87%! (There *are* some problems that
- encompass the other 13% - for example, I have not found an easy
- shortcut to adding gopher links.)
- ----------
- From: a reader who prefers to remain anonymous...
- I've used Arachnid several times to do HTML editing, but I prefer
- not to review it. For one deliberate reason: with the Web so
- new, I think it's important for people to learn how to use HTML
- directly. It's very easy, after all. And if you're going to use
- a "do-it-for-you" editor, you really ought to know *what* it's
- doing. Just my 2 cents.
- [I never thought I'd say this, but I absolutely agree. It took
- me maybe half an hour to give the entire tour of Basic HTML to a
- client this morning, and she got it immediately. It's really not
- brain surgery, and I like the control. However, I can be swayed
- if there is something RADICALLY better. It hasn't shown up yet,
- as far as I can tell.]
- There is also, by the way, an AppleScript applet which will do MS
- Word 6 to HTML conversions. I wrote one; then I found a
- shareware one somewhere or other. But I don't recommend any
- Microsoft product for Macintosh users - after all, Microsoft *is*
- out to kill the Mac. Besides, WordPerfect really is a much
- better word processor for writing HTML. (Although I've done all
- mine in good old-fashioned Emacs right in my Unix account rather
- than uploading anything. But that's just laziness, I admit.)
- --------
- From: nome@oslonett.no (Halvor Nome)
- I have yet to get my own WWW-Home page on the air, but in the
- process of evaluating different applications for doing this, I
- have accumulated some experience that might be of interest to
- other aspiring "publishers"
- First, to the subject of Arachnid 1.4. I can't say much in favour
- of this software. The only unique feature (-as far as I can see)
- is the "Player" application, which makes it possible to
- distribute your www-pages to Mac-users without browsers. But -
- unfortunately, only if the files is exported or saved as an
- Arachnid file.
- This can - believe me, take "ages" to process. And only way you
- can stop it, is by crashing the program. (no Alt-period). When
- you wait for something that takes 5 seconds in other programs, it
- becomes a pain all-over. Both the time needed to import
- HTML-doc's for "refining", and exporting the finished
- HTML-document makes Arachnid unfit for serious www-producers. I
- have NEVER waited so long for so small files to be processed.
- (except 3D rendering programs with Radiocity Ray Tracing turned
- on)
- In my opinion, Arachnid has far to go along the Beta-road before
- becoming a serious contender for the "Best HTML-Editor Award".
- More likely winners are HTML-Editor_1.0 (Editor), HTML Web Weaver
- 2.5 (WebWeaver) or HTML_Pro 1.7. The last one mentioned is a
- close-to-WYSIWYG editor, opening two windows, one in HTML- and
- the other in Preview-mode. By this you can choose which
- environment you find most comfortable for editing your www.page.
- Either in the "Preview" mode without those pesky tags, or/and at
- the same time write & view the plain-text entered being converted
- to HTML.
- Personally, I cast my vote for HTML Web Weaver (WebWeaver). It
- has many of the same "macro-buttons" and features as the -Editor,
- but of which some is - to my mind at least, better implemented in
- WebWeaver.
- As a Norwegian, I find that the WebWeaver handles the special
- Nordic characters better than -Editor. In addition, it -
- * has nice dialogues, giving you the options to write textual
- information, to be displayed to the "ASCII-based" cybercruising
- community, and letting you specify (and link) text, images, sound
- & mpeg's with anchors and names directly within the same dialogue
- screen.
- * let you import pre-formatted HTML documents of any kind (I have
- had problems importing HTML documents processed from RTF-format
- into -Editor).
- * has a very good "List" functions, (even with an "preview"
- option, if you need to be reminded what an ordered or unordered
- list look like), with selection of several "Align" tags.
- (-Editor only offers optional "Top Align")
- * a good Forms Editor, making it easy to create Forms, inkluding
- naming and generating "MailTo" or "Submit" buttons at the same
- instance.
- * option for making your own, customised sets of floating
- toolbars of your mostly-used tagging tools.
- * Option for customising new tags (- f.i. to include new tags
- accepted by the latest-, and future versions of Netscape)
- * If you start by saving your html-document in the same folder as
- your other (gif/html/sound/mpeg etc.) files to be used in the
- www-page(s), and "point" to them using the "Select file" dialogue
- in WebWeaver "File" menue, you will automatically get short,
- relative URL-locations from WebWeaver, as opposite to those given
- by the -Editor, who will specify the full URL for every file
- included - even if it's in the same folder.
- * One thing is to get those annoying "File"name" is not in the
- root directory or it's sub directory" messages all the time from
- -Editor. More serious is it that you might get errors when taking
- your files to another computer to "publish". Then the long
- relative URLs produced by -Editor might no longer be actual.
- Another thing worth mentioning, is that you can save much
- html-scripting time, especially on long documents, if you start
- your WWW-editing in Word or any other word processor that can
- save to RTF file format. Just give your document the type sizes
- and -styles you want, (Size: from 8 - 18 points. Style:
- Normal/Bold/italic), Add paragraphs and line brakes, make nice
- groups of the information that is to be displayed as lists, and
- save the document in RTF format.
- Next, drop the file on a small application called TextToHTML
- (found - like most of the ones mentioned, in the Info-mac/text/
- archives). All basic html-tagging like Titles, Header, Font Size,
- Style etc. is taken care of by the said TextToHTML application.
- After this you import the resulting file into WebWeaver (-or
- Editor, if that's your choice), your document ends up looking
- very much like your on-screen Word document, before you have even
- typed a single HTML-tag. Now it's time to add links,
- list-options, GIF-,html-,video- or sound files, edit Forms etc.
- etc.
- There is also a Shareware called rtftohtml "out there",
- performing the same task. But I have experienced inconsistent
- results (sometimes making line breaks <br> into paragraph tags
- <p>, which gives it a slightly different look :-). So my choice
- for formatting RTF-files is TextToHtml + WebWeaver.
- ----------
- From: sherritp@RoseVC.Rose-Hulman.Edu (Tim Sherrill)
- I've tried several Web-Page Editors and have been satisfied by
- none. Until now! HTML_Pro_1.07 has turned my head. This program
- has two advantages: first, it is fast (6 secs to load). I
- disliked several editors because I had to wait (I use a PB160 at
- home and a MacIIci at work). Secondly, it allows you to view
- your source and the output at the same time! You can type on the
- output page, select some words, make them bold, and they're bold!
- You want to add a tag, you can do it by typing the source in the
- source window or you can type it in the output window. Having
- both views at once really has made my life easier.
- It's only $5 shareware, and this pays for all updates and all
- software written by Niklas Frykholm.
- http://www.ts.umu.se/~r2d2
- Here's a quote from the Umich Archiver:
- /mac/util/text/htmlpro1.07.cpt.hqx
- Finally, a real HTML editor for Macintosh! Includes source and
- rendered views, links to support applications, macros, etc.
- *VERY* well done, fast, and small! (Okay, I do alot of HTML :)
- Netscape Tips
- -------------
- By: Bernie Hall <bhall@mitre.org>
- To go to a new location, don't use the open button or dialogue
- box, just highlight the current site name (after the http://) in
- the location line below the toolbar type the new URL and hit
- enter.
- To increase the real estate on your screen, turn off show
- Directory Buttons (from the Options menu). These are available
- under the directory drop down menu.
- --------
- By Gary Anderson <gandrsn@whale.st.usm.edu>
- I just read your account of some of your experiences getting
- started with WWW and, specifically, Netscape and thought I would
- pass along some info. you might find useful.
- First of all, you stated:
- (1) Hotlists are hard to manage when they get big. I haven't
- found a Web Browser that supports rearranging the items in the
- hotlist by subject.
- Netscape does. It is a little hard to get used to at first, but
- you have the capability of setting up a hierarchical bookmark
- menu if you fiddle around in the "View Bookmarks" editor. You can
- add subjects to subclassify groups of topics. Use the arrows
- (bottom left of editor) to move items up and down in your
- bookmark list after you have selected them. Pretty nifty feature,
- if you ask me.
- Here is another trick I use. I have made as my "homepage" (the
- page that Netscape shows when I first open it up) my bookmark
- list. If you look in the Netscape folder on your hard drive, you
- will find the folder, Netscape f (or some such). In it resides
- the file Bookmarks.html, which is created and updated by Netscape
- as you add bookmarks. If you type the pathname for this file in
- the space reserved for the home page (Preferences, Window and
- Link Styles), you will find yourself staring at a hypertext
- rendition of your bookmark list whenever you open Netscape.
- Probably, the easiest way to get the complete pathname is to do
- the following:
- 1) drag the icon for your bookmark file onto the Netscape icon,
- to open the file in Netscape.
- 2) when it is open, copy the file name from the URL address which
- is showing, assuming you set Netscape up to show the URLs. It
- should start with file:///
- 3)paste the file name into the home page preferences, and voila...
- PS Sorry if this is too hard to follow. Like everything else with
- this gadgetry, it is a lot easier to do than to explain to
- someone!
- --------
- By Gary Parker <parkergv@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu>
- In issue #68 you say that you've yet to find a browser that will
- allow you to sort hotlists by subject? Maybe I misunderstand
- what you mean, but Netscape (all versions since its debut, I
- believe) allows you to create subject headers, even subheaders,
- subsubheaders..., for your hotlist using the View Bookmarks
- command. The trick is learning to use the View Bookmarks command
- whenever you add a new bookmark so you can put the new page under
- the heading you want as you add it, otherwise you will have to
- use the rather cumbersome arrow buttons to move your new bookmark
- up or down the list to fit it under the proper heading (drag and
- drop would be a blessing here).
- Anyway, once you have created your headers, your bookmark list
- turns into a nice hierarchical list. Of course, even that list
- can get long (and longer and longer everday, it seems). It would
- be great if Netscape added the feature that Mosaic has (or had--I
- haven't used Mosaic in awhile) that allows you to call up
- different hotlists.
- Another tip I have been using for months now that saves a lot of
- time when cranking up Netscape:
- Since I usually start up with a new site to visit in mind, I have
- my Netscape preferences set to start up with a blank page. This
- is an option under "styles" in the preferences menu. This way
- when you crank up Netscape you can either click the open button
- and paste (or type) in the new URL or you can go right to your
- bookmarks and pull down to your page of choice.
- Fetch Vs. Anarchie, Continued
- -----------------------------
- From: shandrew@leland.stanford.edu (andrew shieh)
- Actually, the author of Anarchie (peter lewis) suggests keeping
- Fetch around for uploads. Fetch has better control over
- text/binary/macbinary sending of files. The next version of
- Anarchie should change this though, but then again the next
- version of Fetch is coming soon.
- Plus, fetch is freeware...(anarchie is a whole $10?)
- ----------
- From: Dave Kramer <reeltime@omni.voicenet.com>
- I read William P. Barr's commentary on Anarchie vs. Fetch, and I
- have to agree. Fetch isn't as handy at most FTP tasks.
- But don't throw Fetch in the Trash just yet.
- Fetch does two things that Anarchie doesn't. In fact, Anarchie
- calls on Fetch for its extension mapping. Anarchie's Apple Guide
- walks you through these settings step by step, which helped me
- understand what's going on. Essentially, the FTP software looks
- to see if the filename extension (.hqx, .sit, .bin, .zip, et al.)
- is on the list, and if so, how to handle it. If you FTP a file
- with an extension not on the list, you might tranfer it the wrong
- way (text vs. binary mode), and get unusable gibberish. I've
- mapped all of the popular extensions, and a few of the not so
- well-known (just added .lzh, a Japanese file extension for a
- specific type of compression). Since the list is checked in
- order, I have added a blank entry, which I map as a text
- download. This is great for FTPing FAQ files and other text files
- that do not have consistent filename extensions. Whenever I add a
- new extension to the list, I must first delete this last one, add
- the new one, and then recreate the last (blank) item. This is
- because anything following the blank extension is ignored
- (remember, the list is followed in order -- if it finds a match,
- it stops reading the list).
- The second reason I keep Fetch around is raw text transfers. This
- strips MacBinary info off of a file automatically (no need to
- run a separate utility). This is good for placing GIFs and HTML
- text files on a UNIX server for use on the World Wide Web.
- [So, are you telling me I've not needed to strip the header from
- my gif files before uploading them, or is it only for TEXT files?]
- Yup. I've never stripped MacBinary info off a GIF "by hand"
- before. Sending Raw Data handles this little problem.
- Also, I have noticed some sites where directories do not show up
- properly with Anarchie. In these rare instances, I switch to
- Fetch. For that matter, I keep a second mail reader (POPmail II)
- handy for those odd messages that Eudora chokes on. No, I do not
- wear suspenders *and* a belt. But it helps to have a backup plan
- when you're diving for data on the Internet.
- ----------
- From: davidc@cs.uwa.edu.au (David Cake)
- I would like to second the recommendation of Anarchie. It is the
- best FTP client I have ever seen, for any platform, and
- thoroughly Macintoshised. It is much smarter than Fetch, works in
- the background, does drag 'n drop, has an integrated Archie
- client (if you know a file name, but not its location, you can
- search for it), hence the name, and a lot of work has been put
- into the user interface. There is also an Apple Guide available
- for Anarchie.
- I also know the author, Peter Lewis - please make sure that you
- pay your shareware registration. Anarchie is very reasonably
- priced, due to his personal philosophies on software pricing, he
- has put a lot of effort into making sure it is easy to register,
- and he is trying to make his living by writing shareware. So
- please pay, especially if it is being used commercially.
- He has also released FTPd, which allows you to FTP to your Mac,
- and Assimilator, a hard drive contents copier application
- designed for use in laboratory type situations. Also, with Quinn,
- he has released Internet Config, a system designed to ensure that
- all that Internet information (like email adress, news and mail
- server, helper applications for various types of files, personal
- info, etc.) needs to be entered only once, if all applications
- are IC aware. At present there are only a few Internet Config
- aware applications (Newswatcher is one), but the list will grow
- rapidly in the next few months, and should make life on the Net a
- lot easier.
- Anarchie 1.5 should be out soon. Many user interface
- improvements, and Internet Config compatible.
- -----------
- From: "Espen H. Koht" <ehk20@cam.ac.uk>
- Although I agree that Anarchie is a great program I still keep
- Fetch around, and indeed find myself using both regularly. I find
- Fetch more convenient for browsing since my screen doesn't get
- cluttered with windows for all the directories I have been to.
- Anarchie is great if I'm after something specific or need to
- connect to more than one place at once.
- Also a correction: Fetch also moves files in the background!
- Nit-pick: Although the Anarchie bookmark list is a good selection
- of Mac sites, it is by no means 'complete'. The same bookmarks
- are bundled with Fetch, by the way.
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- -------------------------------------
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- Tony Lindsey \ _/__ Free, weekly e-mailed Mac-oriented newsletter
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